Awaken the Author in You

Calling those who want to write the next iconic books of our generation.

February 1st to February 8th 2025

Looking for female thought leaders who want
to raise the consciousness of all humanity

We are seeking female thought leaders who want to raise the consciousness of humanity—those who are ready to make a profound and lasting impact on the world.

This is not just a writing retreat; it is a sacred, immersive experience for those called to write a book that will change the future of humanity.

 Set in the mystical landscapes of Sedona, surrounded by powerful vortexes and breathtaking views, this exclusive 7-day retreat invites visionary leaders, consciousness pioneers, and change-makers to come together and create something monumental that will be remembered for eons.

This is your opportunity to rise above the noise

of unrest and create a new message

Traditional writing retreats often bring people together to talk, share, and practice their writing. More often than not, they serve as a brief uplift designed to leave participants inspired for a short period of time. 

Never before has an intentional space been crafted to foster the creation of life-changing, world-shifting content that will elevate how we think, connect, and evolve as a species. And, never before has a publishing house founder gathered thought leaders and changemakers in such an intimate setting to craft the messages that will shape the future of human existence.

This is your opportunity to rise above the noise of unrest and create a new message—one that speaks of unity, dignity, and connection for future generations. If you are hearing the call to write something profound, to be a servant leader, or to inspire global transformation—this retreat is your sacred invitation.

Answer the call you
have to share a message of

monumental proportions

Few people answer the calling to help shift humanity, and even

fewer answer it with the courage to create real change

But if you have heard this call and desire to be courageous and legendary, this retreat will be your moment to step into your higher purpose. Surrounded by a powerful community of visionaries, you will find the perfect environment to unleash your most important work.

Leave behind the ordinary and step into the extraordinary—this is where you will write the book that elevates humanity's consciousness and shapes the future.

This retreat is for you if:

You are a woman with a powerful message the world needs to hear.

You are driven to make a lasting impact on humanity's consciousness.

You are ready to write a book that will shift the planet's trajectory.

In this private, sacred space, you will receive deep emotional support, body healing, and transformational writing sessions designed to unlock the Divine message within you. Through daily activities with the powerful energy of the Sedona landscape, you’ll channel your higher purpose, supported by a collective consciousness of like-minded women, each committed to raising the vibration of the planet through their writing.

This retreat will nurture your body with nutritious meals, offer personal bodywork sessions, and guide you through Human Design, Chi Gong, stargazing, and sacred ceremonies. Every aspect is designed to liberate your writing, connect with your inner visionary, and manifest the book that will shift the trajectory of humanity for generations to come.

What You Will Experience

Daily activations with Sedona's energy, guiding you to channel your higher purpose

Nutritious meals that nurture your body and fuel your creativity

Personal sessions with bodywork practitioners to release any energetic or emotional blocks

Human Design insights, helping you align with your natural creative flow and enhance your writing

Chi Gong, stargazing, and sacred ceremonies designed to awaken your inner visionary and deepen your connection to your higher self

Writing workshops to eliminate creative barriers, manifest your book, and allow your divine message to flow

Hiking, sacred circles, channel writing, and vortex activation during outdoor excursions to connect more deeply with your message and the land’s energy

Visit Sedona's iconic landmarks including the Birthing Cave, Bell Rock, Baby Bell, and Boynton Canyon, each offering a unique spiritual experience to inspire your writing

Receive guidance from onsite practitioners, available to support your process through counseling, breakthrough sessions, Divine Dialogue, and Consciousness Tethering, ensuring you remain aligned and open to the profound message you are meant to share

Each activity is designed to broaden and deepen your writing perspective, elevate your awareness, and unlock profound insights.

Engaging with Sedona’s powerful energy through daily activations, hiking sacred landmarks, and participating in ceremonies will help you tap into higher levels of consciousness. These experiences will help you connect with the deeper truths you are meant to share. Integrating bodywork, Human Design, and Divine Dialogue will clear creative blocks and expand your viewpoint, allowing you to access a more inspired, aligned message.

This retreat is not just about writing—it’s about channeling a transformative message that will resonate globally.

Your Opportunity to Shift Humanity

If you’re ready to say yes to your destiny and push through your limiting beliefs to expand your consciousness, support yourself to achieve your goals, and inspire yourself to write within the pages of a book that will elevate the consciousness of humanity and transform future generations, please apply now.

Spaces are limited. Secure your spot today and join a community of visionary women ready to make history.

Few opportunities like this come along, and it is no coincidence that this one is now before you. You know who you are, and your book, with its Divine purpose, calls you to write it and gift it to the world. When we dream of something and wish it into being, it arrives ready to be birthed into reality. If this speaks to your soul and you feel that now is your time, be one of the few who say yes to this important assignment for all humanity. Your message is waiting to be shared, and the world is ready to receive it.

Who is Leading this Mission

Lady JB Owen is a globally renowned leader in the world of publishing, having authored 26 best-selling books and published over 800 authors from 47 countries. Lady JB has spent time with His Holiness and believes his belief in the power of women to be true, 

As the founder of a publishing house that champions voices of transformation, Lady JB’s mission goes far beyond books—it is to ignite change on a global scale. Her tireless dedication to humanitarian causes earned her the honor of being knighted. She continues to serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration every day for those committed to uniting and uplifting humanity. 

Lady JB’s impact stretches across continents. She empowers thought leaders, visionaries, and changemakers to share their stories and catalyze global shifts in consciousness. Known for her unwavering belief in the power of words to heal, connect, and transform, Lady JB brings a profound depth of experience and wisdom to every project. 

Under her guidance, this retreat isn’t just an opportunity to write—it’s a chance to tap into your soul’s purpose and create something monumental. With her unparalleled expertise and heart-centered approach, Lady JB will lead you through a journey that unlocks your inner vision and ensures your message resonates with the world in a way that elevates and transforms. 

Why you need to rise to your greatest potential

This retreat stems from Lady JB Owen’s deep belief that stories have the power to transform the world. One single voice, when amplified, can have a ripple effect on the consciousness of all humanity. The purpose of this collective coming together is to help women writers step into their higher calling and write books that will inspire and expand the trajectory of future generations.

Women, especially in today’s rapidly evolving world, are uniquely positioned to lead a movement of global transformation. This retreat creates a sacred space where women can tap into their profound inner wisdom, free from distractions, and channel their higher message in a way that speaks directly to the hearts of those in need.

In the spirit of gathering women of the highest clarity and most authentic intentions, we invite you to book a private session with Lady JB Owen. This is your opportunity to connect, discover, and share your book's powerful message and mission. Use her Calendly link to schedule a time and begin the journey toward creating something truly transformative.

The Sacred Space

Our accommodations will ensure your experience is peaceful, focused, and immersion. Nestled away from the hustle and noise of daily distractions, you’ll stay in exclusive and luxurious accommodations that offer the privacy, relaxation, and serenity needed to fully open your mind and spirit to the work you are meant to create. This sacred space is designed for quiet reflection, group sessions, and immersive one-on-one treatments, all aimed at unlocking the full potential of your writing.

A private chef will provide lunch and dinner, catering to the nutritional needs of both body and mind. Every meal is crafted to support your mental clarity and creative process, nourishing you from the inside out.

Balance is key, and your time here will include a blend of free time for personal exploration and collective sessions with other visionary women. This combination will not only elevate your writing experience but will also foster deeper insights. The opportunity to share ideas and exchange concepts with others will elevate your thinking to entirely new levels, helping you connect more deeply with your role as the author and messenger of your book.

Awaken the Author in You

Retreat Schedule

February 1st to February 8th 2025

Each day will offer a range of activities for you to choose from, allowing you the freedom to participate in what feels aligned and dial out for personal rest when needed. You’ll have a blend of inner reflection, physical and emotional activation, creative writing, and spiritual exploration to tap into higher consciousness.

Day 1: Arrival and Integration
February 1st, 2025

10:00 AM: Welcome to the private retreat house and introductions    

Meet fellow visionary women, integrate into the space, and enjoy an outdoor
picnic lunch to connect and ground yourself in the retreat’s energy.

Daily Flow: Monday to Friday

6:00 AM Sunrise meditation  

Greet the day with a peaceful sunrise meditation to ground and center your mind and spirit.

7:00 AM: Morning Qigong   

Engage in gentle Qigong movements to awaken your energy and prepare your body for the day.

8:00 AM: Self-selected breakfast options   

 Enjoy a nutritious breakfast prepared to fuel your creativity and focus for the day ahead.

8:30 AM: Freestyle writing time   

 Dive into your writing flow and begin channeling your book’s message in a quiet, supportive space

9:30 AM Group training session    

Expert facilitators focus on different aspects of your book journey—
Divine Dialogue, Consciousness Tethering, or chapter creation.

11:30 PM: Served lunch    

A private chef prepares a nourishing meal outdoors or indoors, depending on the day’s activities.

1:00 PM: Outdoor activities and healing sessions    

Hike iconic Sedona landmarks like the Birthing Cave or Boynton Canyon, on alternate days,
participate in portal awakenings, or receive one-on-one bodywork and healing sessions.

4:00 PM: Personal writing time    

Focused sessions on book outline mapping, chapter creation, and brand messaging.

5:00 PM: Rest and repair sessions    

Take time for self-care with deep healing activities, massages, or quiet reflection in nature.

6:30 PM: Evening group gathering

7:00 PM Dinner

8:30 PM: Campfires, sacred activities, or guided group discussions to end
the day in connection with others and reflect on your progress.

Day 7: Closing and Departure
February 8th, 2025

6:00 AM: Sunrise meditation and closing circle    

Reflect on the transformative week and share your personal journey with the group.

8:00 AM: Breakfast and farewells    

Enjoy one last nourishing meal together before preparing to depart with a renewed sense of purpose.

10:00 AM: Departure    

Take with you the energy, connections, insights gained, your Sedona keepsake, and the beginnings of your transformative book.

At this retreat, everything is an invitation—a welcome opportunity for growth, creativity, and healing. Under no circumstances are you expected to participate in every event or activity each day. The schedule is designed to provide a rich selection of offerings, but it’s important to honor your own rhythm and intuition. You are encouraged to join in when something resonates with you and opt out when you feel the need for rest, reflection, or solitude.

This is your journey, and we want you to feel empowered to follow what feels right for you in each moment, allowing for a truly personal and transformative experience.

The Legacy and Divinity in Sedona

Sedona is more than just a beautiful destination—it's a sacred place of transformation, renowned for its powerful energy vortexes which attract visionaries, healers, and creatives from around the world. Nestled among majestic red rocks, Sedona offers a unique environment where spiritual and creative energies intertwine, creating the perfect setting for deep introspection and visionary breakthroughs.

The natural beauty of Sedona, combined with its spiritual significance, provides the ideal backdrop for this retreat. The land itself has a way of awakening your higher purpose, clearing mental and emotional blockages, and enhancing your connection to the divine message you are meant to share. From the healing vibrations of Bell Rock to the grounding presence of Boynton Canyon, each step in Sedona brings you closer to your authentic self, ready to write the book that will shift the consciousness of humanity.

This retreat in Sedona is not just a getaway; it’s a profound journey where the land's energy will elevate your creative flow, align your purpose, and inspire your words to resonate with the world on a deeper level.

Featured Practitioners 

Additional Treatments Included

Akashic Record Unlocking and Reading for Your Book is a profound experience that taps into the infinite wisdom of the Akashic Records to guide your writing process. By accessing the "soul records" of your book, you’ll uncover the deeper purpose and message it is meant to convey. This session provides insight into the themes, energies, and creative direction that align with your book’s highest potential. Through this spiritual exploration, you can clear blocks, gain clarity, and channel higher guidance, allowing your writing to flow more authentically and powerfully. It’s an opportunity to align your book with the greater consciousness, ensuring it resonates with and elevates humanity.

Body Wisdom Release and Awakening: Structural Bodywork Session: During this transformative session, you will experience the profound connection between your body and mind through utilizing structural bodywork techniques; this practice helps release tension, unwind old physical patterns, and create space for deeper emotional and energetic healing. By engaging with the natural intelligence of your body, this session guides you in unlocking stored energy and fostering a deeper awareness of your physical and emotional well-being. Perfect for creatives and visionaries, it enables you to release what no longer serves you, awakening new pathways for clarity, creativity, and self-expression.

Restorative and Nurturing Full Body Care Massage: This restorative, nurturing full-body care massage** goes beyond the surface, working deeply with your body’s muscle memory and cellular intelligence. By engaging with the deep tissue containment of ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions stored within your body, this massage helps to unlock and release both physical and emotional tension. Through intuitive touch and a mindful approach, the session fosters holistic healing, providing not only physical relaxation but also emotional restoration. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with your body’s wisdom, allowing for greater clarity, creativity, and emotional balance.

This Visionary Writing Retreat is more than a simple getaway—it's your chance to create something monumental that will elevate both your life and the consciousness of humanity. Every element of this retreat is designed to guide you deeper into your purpose. From immersive writing sessions and spiritual practices to healing bodywork and exploring Sedona’s sacred sites, this experience will unlock your creativity and help you channel a message that the world needs now. You'll also be surrounded by like-minded women who will become your soul sisters, each committed to raising consciousness through their unique voices. Their energy, awareness, and power will enhance your work just as your mastery will uplift theirs

What's Included:

  • Private or shared accommodations for 6 nights

  • Exceptional retreat experience for 7 days

  • Book writing and story creation training sessions 

  • Chapter writing template with book outline worksheets

  • Personal therapeutic session with practitioner 

  • One-on-one bodywork session

  • Group training, including healing, consciousness, and awakening sessions

  • Group Lunch and Dinner meals 

  • Breakfast items for self-serve


What's NOT Included:

  • Transportation to and from the Airport

  • Accommodations outside the retreat package

  • Meals outside of those provided during retreat hours

  • Personal travel insurance

  • Additional activities or excursions outside the retreat schedule

  • Personal expenses (souvenirs, extra spa treatments, etc.)

  • Laptop or writing devices (participants should bring their own)

  • Private coaching sessions outside of the scheduled retreat activities

  • Publishing services or book production costs

  • Airfare or other travel costs to reach Sedona

What To Bring

  • Lounging clothing for relaxing

  • Stretch clothing for light activities 

  • Flashlight or headlamp

  • Light rain jacket

  • Comfortable clothing suitable for yoga and outdoor activities

  • Hiking shoes or sturdy walking shoes for vortex visits and nature walks

  • Light jacket or layers for cool evenings

  • Sunscreen, hat, and sunglasses for outdoor activities

  • Notebook and favorite writing tools (pens, pencils)

  • Laptop or tablet for writing sessions (if preferred over handwriting)

  • Journal for personal reflections

  • Meditation cushion or mat (if you have a preferred one)

  • Water bottle to stay hydrated

  • Any personal items needed for energy work or spiritual practices

  • Phone/camera to capture the beautiful Sedona landscapes

  • Any medications you regularly take

  • Open mind and heart, ready for transformation!

Leave WITH the Following...

  • Completed your book outline

  • Defined your chapter titles

  • Created your chapter themes

  • Formulated your chapter points

  • Integrated your personal story

  • Written your preface 

  • Drafted your introduction

  • Solidified your dedication

  • Listed your acknowledgments

  • Established your ideal reader

  • Clarified your target market

  • Determined your book’s solution 

  • Mapped out the emotional journey

  • Set your launch date


We encourage women to nurture their creativity, connection, and personal growth! Read past participants reflections on how Lady JB Owen has inspired, supported, and empowered their writing and well-being.

JB Owen truly ignited the inner author in me! Teaming up with JB and her extraordinary editors not only made the seemingly impossible task of becoming a best-selling author a reality, they helped me realize that sharing my story can genuinely help to inspire others to make today, tomorrow's successful yesterday!

Holly H. Kalua, RN

Writing my story has been an exceptionally fulfilling, adventurous, and exhilarating journey. After many years of having the aspiration of becoming a published author, Ignite has been a very instrumental force in making this a reality. Working with the dynamic JB Owen and her team of extremely accomplished managers, editors, strategists, and designers has been an unforgettable experience. Without their loving support coupled with their extraordinary professionalism, I could not have achieved this milestone. Thank you Ignite for being a team of superheroes (and super-sheroes)! May God bless you all!

Jenise “Sandy” Todd

Reserve Your Spot TODAY!
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Still Have Questions?

Book a Discovery Call with Ignite™ CEO and Founder JB Owen to unlock the transformative power of the Sedona Writing Retreat. During this personalized call, JB will guide you through the alchemical journey awaiting you in the sacred landscapes of Sedona.

JB will introduce you to the vibrant community of visionary authors and thought leaders who will be your guides and companions on this extraordinary 7-day retreat. You'll discover how your unique voice and story can become part of a larger movement, using the power of transformative storytelling to elevate consciousness and inspire positive change worldwide.

This is your opportunity to not only ignite your soul and write the book that's been stirring within you but also to be part of something greater—a global collaboration that uses the power of words to transform lives and create a better world.

Don't let this chance to revolutionize your writing and make a lasting impact slip away. Book your discovery call now and take the first step towards becoming the visionary author you're meant to be.

Join us in Sedona and be part of this incredible journey of personal and global transformation. Your words have the power to change lives—including your own. Are you ready to answer the call?